Member-only story
It’s Not Fair
It was the middle of October when Emily called, a young, besotted woman intent on venturing outside the country.
“I need an expedited coronavirus result,” she said. “My boyfriend is waiting for me in Peru. He is a really great guy and I haven’t seen him in such a long time.”
My immediate thought: That’s not fair.
Epidemiologists and other health experts had issued warnings against extensive and unnecessary travel for fear of spreading the coronavirus. I’ve heeded the advice of the experts, constricted my travel to encompass driving to my job, exercising at the neighborhood park, and shopping at the supermarket. I’m following the rules.
The airlines remain open to accept passengers, albeit at less capacity than normal. The travel industry and their employees need money to survive, and I understand that exigent circumstances contribute to a need for some people to travel beyond safe distances. A close relative may have passed away in another state, a stranded foreigner might be barred from returning home if not in possession of a negative coronavirus test result, or a fledgling business owner might have to close a deal in person.
Sweet sounding Emily’s request for an accelerated Covid-19 made my eyes roll, before prompting a heavy sigh. A pandemic is raging throughout the country, people everywhere are dropping like…